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New to 4-H Member / Family

As a new member/family you will need to connect with a 4-H Club in your area. 4-H PEI is home to many clubs across the Island in three (3) 4-H Regions - see the link below to submit a new member inquiry and our Specialists will get you set up!


What is involved in being a 4-H Member?


  • Attend your 4-H Club Meetings & Activities - Your 4-H club (Members & Leaders) will decide when to hold club meetings and what they s look like! Parents are encouraged to attend Club meetings, but members are also encouraged to share meeting information with parents or caregivers.


  • Pick a 4-H Project and Develop your skills - Most 4-H clubs will decide on projects together. If you have ideas or interests you would like to explore, make sure to speak up! There are hundreds of projects to choose from. Have a look at the 4-H Project Catalog before making your final decision


  • Completion Requirements - Complete the year-end requirements (there are four (4) and they are listed below). There will be times when you may need to work on your skill based project outside of club meetings. The more time you can put into mastering your new skills the better! There will also be activities, such as fundraisers or community events, in which your 4-H club will organize or participate. Getting involved in these opportunities is a chance for you to take initiative, be part of your community and develop your own personal leadership style!


  • Participate at Achievement Day -  Achievement Day serves as the end of the 4-H year and a chance for parents, leaders and 4-H members to celebrate achievements and learning. Typically, Achievement Days are held in June or July and it is expected that members have all of their project requirements and documentation completed and on display for the 4-H Specialist to review and for others to see.


  • Be Open to new experiences and willing to Learn to do by Doing...Above all - HAVE FUN!

New Member Inquiry
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