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Trust Grants

Each year, the Prince Edward Island 4-H Trust accepts grant applications from the Provincial Council, Regions and Clubs for consideration.  Since 1987, the PEI 4-H Trust has provided $86, 415 in grants to 4-H Clubs, Districts and other initiatives. The amount of grant money available is determined each year by the Trustees, based on the amount of interest earned on the principal that year, minus any administrative expenses.

4-H PEI Districts and Clubs interested in applying for a Trust Grant should:



Please note: All successful grant applicants are required to complete and submit the Project/Activity Evaluation Form within 30 days of the completion of the proposed project or activity.


For more information, please contact Rayanne Frizzell at

Contact the Trust

PEI 4-H Trust
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE  C1A 7N8

Tel: (902) 368-4833
Fax: (902) 368-6289


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