4-H F.A.Q's

Who can join 4-H?
4-H PEI members must be between the ages of 9-21 as of January 1 of the current club year. Some 4-H Clubs also accept members as young as ages 6, 7 or 8.Contact your 4-H Specialist to find out about clubs near you.
What does it mean to be a 4-H member?

The 4-H Motto is: “Learn to Do By Doing” so being a member means getting involved!
In order to complete the 4-H year, each member must complete:
at least one (or more) 4-H Project
a Community Service activity
an Agricultural Awareness activity
a Communications activity
The 4-H PEI Family Guide has more more information about the requirements for the 4-H Year.

How much does 4-H cost?
The provincial membership fee is $20 per member per year. Regions and/or Clubs may also require payment of an additional/supplemental fee. Please contact your Regional 4-H Specialist for more details.

When does 4-H start?
4-H clubs on PEI generally run on the same schedule as the school year, starting in September and finishing in June of the following year. Because so many important activities have already taken place by the New Year, most clubs do not accept new members after January 31.

How do I join 4-H?
The best way is to contact our Provincial Office at: pei4hoffice@gmail.com or by calling: 902-368-4833 or toll-free at: 1-866-308-4833. We will connect you with the appropriate 4-H Specialist who will be able to answer your questions and put you in touch with the 4-H Club that’s the best fit for you.

What if our Community would like to start it's own 4-H Club?
4-H is a community-based activity so a club must have a minimum of five Members, and at least two adults willing to successfully complete the New Leader Screening process and assume responsibility for the overall leadership of the club. The 4-H PEI Specialist in your Region can share more detailed information about starting a new club.

What is the 4-H Pledge?
I Pledge
my Head to clearer thinking,
my Heart to greater loyalty,
my Hands to larger service and
my Health to better living
for my club, my community, my country and my world.
The 4-H Pledge is a reminder of the values 4-H expects from anyone involved in its program. It is recited at the beginning of Club, District and Provincial events and encourages a balanced lifestyle (intellectual, emotional, physical, spiritual)

What is Achievement Day?
Achievement Day is the annual event each Club or District holds in order to celebrate the achievements of that club year. Friends, family members and members from the community are highly encouraged to attend.

Do all 4-H members live on farms?
Not at all! 4-H does have a strong history in agriculture, and there are certainly Livestock Projects you can take, but it also has a strong history in youth and community development. 4-H is about learning, building skills and building self-confidence, through club projects and camps and conferences. There are over 50 projects available for club leaders to offer their members, ranging from Photography to Small Engines to Outdoor Living to Canine!