The Heart Club was created to recognize and celebrate the contribution of supporters to the Prince Edward Island 4-H Trust.
Your donation ensures the PEI 4-H Trust can continue to provide special project grants to deserving Clubs and Districts that go “above and beyond” for their members.
Each February, as a part of our Annual Awards Banquet, we recognize and acknowledge those supporters who, by making one-time or accumulating financial gifts, have reached the levels of support. (Click on the level to see the current list of donors in that category)
PEI 4-H Trust Heart Club
THE HEART CLUB and Other Ways to Support the PEI 4-H Trust

Click here to donate!
Individual Supporters
Corporate Supporters
Memorials, Wills and Bequests
A memorial donation to the PEI 4-H Trust serves as a meaningful tribute to those dedicated to rural Prince Edward Island, agriculture, and the 4-H movement. This gesture ensures that their commitment is recognized, remembered, and honored for years to come.
Families may choose to include this information in their loved one's obituary. A suggested wording is: “In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to theI 4-H Trust.” All in-memory donations of $10 or more will receive written acknowledgment from the PEI 4-H Trust, along with an official tax receipt.
Cumulative donations of $250 or more will be recognized by adding the individual's name to the PEI 4-H Trust Memorials and will also be acknowledged at the PEI 4-H Council’s Annual Awards Banquet held each February.
Current PEI 4-H Trust Memorials
Keith Dixon
Gordon Ching
Stewart Wright
Kent Phillips
Brian Dingwell
Alan Godfrey
Mabel Carmichael
Peggy Dixon
Helen Lyle Small
Buddy Loane
Planned Giving - Wills and Bequests
Including a bequest to the PEI 4-H Trust in your Will is a straightforward way to ensure that your estate provides financial support to the 4-H program.
When creating your Will, consider adding a statement like: "I instruct my Trustee to allocate the sum of $_________ from my estate to the Prince Edward Island 4-H Trust."
These few words can significantly impact the future of the Island's youth, their communities, and the ongoing 4-H programming for years to come.
If you would like to learn more about how you, your family, or your business can support the PEI 4-H Trust, please reach out to the Provincial 4-H office at: or (902) 368-4833.