PEI 4-H Council
The Prince Edward Island 4-H Council oversees the 4-H Program on PEI, determining projects and policies through its Board of Directors, Executive and Provincial Standing Committees. The Council manages the Administrative Director who oversees the PEI 4-H staff. They seek support from donors and hold an annual general meeting where volunteer leader / representatives elect the Board and Executive Committee.
To operate, the program receives annual support from public and private donors. Regional 4-H Councils and 4-H Clubs also seek local support in their own communities.
The PEI 4-H Council consists of voting delegates from each club who meet early for the Annual General Meeting (AGM). A Board of Directors and Executive Committee are elected from these delegates to manage Council activities throughout the 4-H year.
PEI 4-H Council Board of Directors
as of May 2, 2024
Jeff Matheson
Vice President
Sophie MacDonald
Past President
Fred Vanderkloet
Ella Doucette
Gail Wallace
Staff Representative
Rayanne Frizzell
Western Region
Julie Ramsay
Gail Wallace
Central Region
Alanna MacPherson
Ella Doucette
Eastern Region
Sophie MacDonald
Jeff Matheson
Directors at Large
Steve Howatt
Sally Ripley
4-H Canada Youth Advisory Rep
Neleah Lavoie
4-H PEI - Senior Member Rep
Skye MacNeill
Questions or Concerns? Contact the 4-H PEI Board of Directors directly via email