For Full Details on becoming a New Volunteer or to complete forms for Returning/New Volunteers or Member enrollment please click the button below!
4-H Volunteers & Project Leaders
The 4-H PEI program is anchored by the dedicated volunteers guiding our members bringing enthusiasm, knowledge, skills and energy to our program year after year.
You do not need to be an 'expert' to be a 4-H Volunteer or Project Leader; you only need enthusiasm and a desire to make a positive impact in a child's life. Parents, caregivers and community members all play a critical role in volunteering with the program to support our members.
There are more than 280 volunteer 4-H leaders in Prince Edward Island sharing their time and talents to help members "Learn to do by Doing."
4-H Leaders advise and support club members in developing and strengthening skills that encourage our youth grow and become effective leaders in their communities.
At 4-H PEI, we have so many rewarding volunteer opportunities, there is one to suit everyone.

Volunteering with 4-H PEI allows you to:
- make a difference in the lives of youth in the community;
- use & share developed skills and knowledge;
- keep a skill, artisan trade, or craft alive for the next generation;
- create future leaders in the community;
- volunteer with own children, grandchildren or as a family;
- participate in training and skill development opportunities;
- experience personal growth and travel opportunities;
- receive recognition for personal contributions.
Volunteer 4-H Roles & Responsibilities
There are many Roles and Responsibilities within the 4-H Program. Some examples would be Project Leaders, Fundraising Coordinators and Board Representatives.
So that you have a full understanding of what level of different types of Roles and what is required for each we have put together a document that you can review by clicking the button below.
If you have any questions feel free to contact your Regions Specialist or the 4-H PEI Office!
Volunteer Opportunities
You may think 4-H is all about helping kids become leaders, but there are a lot of opportunities for adults to develop and hone their leadership skills, for the benefit of 4-H and their communities.
Serve as a director on a District Council or the Provincial Council
Are you interested in contributing to the future vision and direction of the 4-H PEI program?The 4-H PEI District Councils help to run different social events throughout the 4-H year. Districts also host workshop and training days, like judging clinics and executive training workshops.
Directors on the PEI 4-H Council are nominated to the provincial board from the district level. They act as the governing body for the 4-H PEI program, representing their districts at the Provincial level.
Attend a 4-H Leader Conference
Atlantic Leaders Conference - Debert, NS
Network with 4-H volunteers from across the Atlantic region, attend interesting workshops and learn more about your favourite organization... oh, and there will be lots of fun too!
National Leaders Conference - Ottawa, ON Learn about 4-H across the country, while participating in workshops and discussions about 4-H at the club, provincial and national levels.
Attend the PEI 4-H Leader Development & Appreciation Night
The PEI 4-H Council hosts a leader appreciation night each year in November. Join fellow PEI 4-H Leaders for an evening of fun and learning while enjoying supper, door prizes, and getting caught up on current 4-H news!
Open to leaders and senior 4-H members. To register, please fill out and return the bottom section of the invitation flyer!
Chaperone at a 4-H Event
Who says kids get to have all the fun? Help out at a 4-H PEI fun day or conference and have some fun while ensuring participants have a safe and fantastic time. Get the 4-H camp/conference experience you never had (or now miss), while contributing your own energy, enthusiasm and knowledge.
Prior to the event, chaperones will be provided with an overview of the program and the activities. All supplies and instructions will be provided for the event, however chaperones are encouraged to use their own unique talents to enhance the activities and programs.
Chaperones need to be a minimum of 25 years old for all overnight 4-H events, and be a minimum of 3 years older than the oldest participant for all day programs.
For Details click one of the options below;
Chaperone Roles and Responsibilities